Tuesday 25 June 2024

Planning Task Three: Masthead Design


For my masthead, I have decided to have it's font colour to change depending on the dominant colour of the main image to create cohesion through the front cover. It will be large in size and at the top of the cover to adhere to generic conventions. The masthead and strapline will both be fully capitalised to increase visibility when being sold in a shop, to attract a larger consumer base.

The first masthead is in the font Speedrace and the strapline is in the font Dance. The second masthead is in the font Chopsic and the strapline is in the font Okta. The third masthead is in the font Vampire Raves and the strapline is in the font Konexy. I think that the second masthead's font type communicates that the magazine is focused around rock/metal music and the strapline is easier to read than in the third font type, so I think that I will use the second masthead and font type for my magazine.

Planning Task Three: Masthead Design

  For my masthead, I have decided to have it's font colour to change depending on the dominant colour of the main image to create cohesi...